Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Keeping Bath and Body Works in Business

So the other day I started counting the various scented products I have in my house.

I have:

20 different flavors of scented lotion and body splash (that does not count 3 scents that are purse sized in my office, or the 2 different types of Lubriderm I have in my house and office)
2 flavors of perfume
6 flavors of body wash
5 different scented soaps, 6 if you count Ivory
3 kinds of shampoo
2 types of face wash
2 types of conditioner
6 flavors of bubble bath
3 scents made for specifically foot rubs and/or exfoliation

I can literally wear a different scent to work every day for an entire month, never wearing the same scent twice. I'm going to cause somebody to have a serious allergy one of these days.

On another note:

My cousin just asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, next spring, which is very sweet and very cool (I haven't met the groom yet but he sounds like a doll - plus he likes the X-Files). Of course this means I will have to buy two bridesmaid dresses, one for November this year for my brother's wedding, one for March or April next year. So I am keeping David's Bridal hopping. Think they have volume discounts? ;-)

1 comment:

Sarah Knapp said...

What you need to do is somehow use the same dress twice, maybe you can dye it or have it altered. You could get really creative here:-)