Monday, January 29, 2007

Crappy Birthday To Me

By now you've probably heard what happened to Barbaro. The Kentucky Derby winner was euthanized today after complications from surgery. I saw it coming; the vet had been using the word 'quit' far more often than in the past, but I had had hope. Up until recently he'd been doing well and talk had been that he'd move to a farm soon. Then the problems began.

I'm afraid this means that any other horse that suffers the same injury will be euthanized immediately. I had hoped his survival would mean good things for other injured horses, but consensus will likely be they should be put down immediately.

This sport just breaks your heart sometimes.


Sarah Knapp said...

When Angela told me about him, I immediately said, "Oh no, and it's Laura's birthday!" What a crappy thing to happen, any day but especially this day.
So know we're thinking of you and I hope that in spite of this you had a good BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
Love, S.

Angela said...

When I read the news we immediately thought of you and Sarah said "oh no! It's her birthday!" I hope the rest of your day was better and I just hope the poor horse isn't in pain anymore.