Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oh The Random

In the category of 'random thoughts'...

Does anybody else use the word 'flavor' when they really mean 'scent'? Like when referring to candles or lotion? I love it when people correct me, like apparently I'm just three IQ points from algae. Um, I have an English degree. I know what I'm saying. I just do it wrong on purpose.

I cannot summon up even an iota of interest in the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes wedding. It just gives me the wiggins. It's not even the age difference that creeps me out. It's Fan Girl Marries Childhood Lust Object. Ew. When I was little I liked to watch the Mike Douglas Show, but I sure didn't want to marry him. (Good thing, since he's dead.)

Nor do I give two hoots that Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are hanging out together. I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner. Think Justin Timberlake is counting his lucky stars he got out when he did?

At work I discovered I can walk in the underground parking garage during my lunch hour to get some exercise. Other people walk too, so I'm not alone, but I gotta tell ya, I find myself thinking of every horror movie or creepy TV show where a woman is assaulted in a dark parking structure. That's why I only wear one earbud on my headphones when I'm down there. So far the most dangerous thing I encountered was nearly getting run down by a maniac in a bright yellow Hummer. All you see is grille when that thing's headed toward you.

Got a call the other day from the guy you could probably label my 'high school sweetheart.' He was cleaning out some stuff at home and decided to track me down. Now, I haven't talked to this guy in approximately eight years. Suddenly he's on my phone. Huh. Think it would be weird if I asked him if he had any single male friends?

For somebody who talks so much you think I'd be better about calling people, but I'm really wretched about it. I need to do better!! I'm more consistent with email, really.

Anybody else starting to panic about Christmas cards? It's not even December!!!

I won't even tell you about the panic involved in my credit card bill. Heh.

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