I've been reading a lot lately about the 'helicopter parents' syndrome. That's where parents become so overly involved in their children's lives, they won't let them have any unstructured play time. They freak out if their boys make weapon toys out of sticks (which, I'm told, boys do pretty much on their own) or run through the neighborhood. They not only help kids with their homework, they do it for them, and if Johnny doesn't get an A, they call the teacher to demand it.
When the kids get older, these parents talk to their child daily from college, read their papers and correct them, calling the professors if the child doesn't get good grades. After that, they actually call job recruiters to find out why their child wasn't hired. In fact, they probably wrote the resume and the cover letter and scheduled the interview as well.
WTF????? When did we get to the place where we couldn't just let kids be kids and make their own mistakes? Granted, I don't have any of my own (kids, not mistakes, I have a lot of mistakes), so I'm speaking from an observer's platform only (and as a former kid). Can't we fence in our back yards to prevent kids from abduction and then let them run around and get messy instead of worrying about clean clothes and PC play? To paraphrase my cousin's grandmother, it was a good day when the kids came home dirty.
Can't we let kids make their own mistakes? Didn't do your homework? Take the F. Didn't pay your bills? Pay the penalties and the collection agency. Didn't get up in time for class? Set your alarm next time and explain it to the prof yourself.
One guy on this blog I'm reading says his young daughter found a rusty razor blade on the playground. She told another child to keep an eye on it while she went to get a teacher. When the teacher arrived, the razor blade was apparently thrown out, while the girl was taken to the principal's office, and suspension papers begun because she had 'endangered the other students by pointing out a weapon to them.' The dad called his lawyer.
I'm not sure here who overreacted, but I think it was both of them. The principal for being WAY too anal about the 'rules' and the dad for getting furious immediately. Stupidity has run amok with the fear of litigation, and we've stopped looking at what really happened here. The little girl was smart and safe, and behaved EXACTLY as I'd like my kid to behave. She should have been commended.
I used to get on my mom's case about some similar behavior. I admit it, my parents helicoptered, all with the best intentions (as I'm quite sure all these parents have). We were shy kids and it was hard for us to stand up for ourselves, especially when we were very young. Still, I'm finding there are drawbacks when you get older to letting your parents helicopter you. It's hard for them to LET GO. While I was in college the first few years, my folks came to town and took me grocery shopping (I didn't have a car then). When I got a car and a job, I was able to take care of all of that myself, but they still asked if I needed groceries. That continued after college and almost to this day. "What do you need?" they'll ask, which is very sweet, and I'll either tell them 'nothing' or in the recent instance, I bought shelves for my guest bedroom and needed another set of hands to help me carry them home from Lowe's. Then my brother and my dad installed them while I was hanging up pictures in the other room with my mom's help.
So I guess on the one hand it's nice to have their assistance and their willingness to help when I need it, and we do help each other out often. On the other hand, my mother still wants to know if I've paid my bills, and my dad keeps wanting to offer me money (I had a low paying job for several years). And after a while I get a little testy about it, because as much as they want to help, sometimes it just gets a little smothering. So I'm learning how to handle that - to 'push back' gently, to say "I can buy that myself" and when Dad asks if I can afford it, I just say yes and offer no further explanations. (Okay, I did say "I have a credit card" which didn't help.)
It's odd to have to assert one's independence at this age, but I still do. And my guess is a lot of these kids will eventually find all of this help restricting, and the parents will find Junior living at home at age 30 to be a real pain in the butt.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Oh The Random
In the category of 'random thoughts'...
Does anybody else use the word 'flavor' when they really mean 'scent'? Like when referring to candles or lotion? I love it when people correct me, like apparently I'm just three IQ points from algae. Um, I have an English degree. I know what I'm saying. I just do it wrong on purpose.
I cannot summon up even an iota of interest in the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes wedding. It just gives me the wiggins. It's not even the age difference that creeps me out. It's Fan Girl Marries Childhood Lust Object. Ew. When I was little I liked to watch the Mike Douglas Show, but I sure didn't want to marry him. (Good thing, since he's dead.)
Nor do I give two hoots that Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are hanging out together. I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner. Think Justin Timberlake is counting his lucky stars he got out when he did?
At work I discovered I can walk in the underground parking garage during my lunch hour to get some exercise. Other people walk too, so I'm not alone, but I gotta tell ya, I find myself thinking of every horror movie or creepy TV show where a woman is assaulted in a dark parking structure. That's why I only wear one earbud on my headphones when I'm down there. So far the most dangerous thing I encountered was nearly getting run down by a maniac in a bright yellow Hummer. All you see is grille when that thing's headed toward you.
Got a call the other day from the guy you could probably label my 'high school sweetheart.' He was cleaning out some stuff at home and decided to track me down. Now, I haven't talked to this guy in approximately eight years. Suddenly he's on my phone. Huh. Think it would be weird if I asked him if he had any single male friends?
For somebody who talks so much you think I'd be better about calling people, but I'm really wretched about it. I need to do better!! I'm more consistent with email, really.
Anybody else starting to panic about Christmas cards? It's not even December!!!
I won't even tell you about the panic involved in my credit card bill. Heh.
Does anybody else use the word 'flavor' when they really mean 'scent'? Like when referring to candles or lotion? I love it when people correct me, like apparently I'm just three IQ points from algae. Um, I have an English degree. I know what I'm saying. I just do it wrong on purpose.
I cannot summon up even an iota of interest in the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes wedding. It just gives me the wiggins. It's not even the age difference that creeps me out. It's Fan Girl Marries Childhood Lust Object. Ew. When I was little I liked to watch the Mike Douglas Show, but I sure didn't want to marry him. (Good thing, since he's dead.)
Nor do I give two hoots that Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are hanging out together. I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner. Think Justin Timberlake is counting his lucky stars he got out when he did?
At work I discovered I can walk in the underground parking garage during my lunch hour to get some exercise. Other people walk too, so I'm not alone, but I gotta tell ya, I find myself thinking of every horror movie or creepy TV show where a woman is assaulted in a dark parking structure. That's why I only wear one earbud on my headphones when I'm down there. So far the most dangerous thing I encountered was nearly getting run down by a maniac in a bright yellow Hummer. All you see is grille when that thing's headed toward you.
Got a call the other day from the guy you could probably label my 'high school sweetheart.' He was cleaning out some stuff at home and decided to track me down. Now, I haven't talked to this guy in approximately eight years. Suddenly he's on my phone. Huh. Think it would be weird if I asked him if he had any single male friends?
For somebody who talks so much you think I'd be better about calling people, but I'm really wretched about it. I need to do better!! I'm more consistent with email, really.
Anybody else starting to panic about Christmas cards? It's not even December!!!
I won't even tell you about the panic involved in my credit card bill. Heh.
Monday, November 20, 2006
All These Things I Think About
So I like my new hometown so far, and I like my job, even though I'm used to something much more hectic. Still, I like not having a sales manager constantly trying to dictate my news content or a company president breathing down my neck every five minutes. No micromanaging! I don't know what to do! Ha
My old city doesn't seem quite like home anymore, and my new city doesn't quite feel like home, yet, so I feel like I'm kind of caught between two places, but I know that will eventually fade and everything will straighten out. Howell still feels like home to some degree and I haven't lived there in 15 years, so I suppose I'll always feel some sort of kinship to Kzoo.
I admit that I have a bit of a 'habit' when it comes to television (and Chex Mix, but that's neither here nor there). I read the TV Guide online comments and I post from time to time (those of you who know my horse racing fetish will be able to figure out who I am). One of my fave shows is 'Supernatural' - two hot guys, a hot car, ghosts and other beasties, and the occasional Rush tune. What's not to like? But I read the comments posted on the website, and I can't get over the fangirlness! These people are gushing like Jensen and Jared are going to win Oscars some day, and I gotta say, it slays me! Like I roll my eyes when they get all protective and analytical of every tic and twitch and sad face, and it's all I can do not to snort. And then it occurs to me - didn't I do the same damn thing with the X-Files?
Well, sort of. I mean, I overanalyzed that show to the nth degree, and I was a huge fangirl/shipper (and don't EVEN get me started on how hot Krycek is). But when it came to that gun-toting, one-armed bad boy, I wasn't overanalyzing his every eyebrow raise like it was going to win him an Emmy. I was just picturing him ..... um, let's just stop there.
I guess I just have a thing about jumping headlong into any sort of hero worship, any overwhelming trust, any slobbering devotion, all of it. I tend to be skittish about devoting myself wholeheartedly to anything that asks for such complete immersion. (Which is part of the reason why I'm not a regular churchgoer, but that's a discussion for another time. And it's probably a good reason why I'm not married.) I used to do anything I could to keep my friends around (when I was young) and made a total ass of myself, and I've gone the other way in my old age - a little too selfish, in self-preservation. Which doesn't excuse my behavior on occasion, but at least I recognize the fault. So to listen to these people gush wildly about these CW actors, of all people, strikes me as both ludicrous and funny, like they don't have anything else to do but slobber headlong over two twenty-somethings. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the show - it's the high point of my week almost (Veronica Mars is right up there too, what a damn good show!) and yes, the acting is good, and the scripts are fun, but I guess I find the fangirl admiration a bit thick.
Then again, if that's the worst thing that happens to me all week, I'm doing really well. And that's the beauty of having a free country!
I'm glad the elections are over, because the ads were so wretched I don't even know where to begin. One woman was painted by her opponent this way: "She supports gay marriage. And opposes traditional marriage." NOW WAIT A DAMN MINUTE. I think if you polled everyone in this world about their feelings on marriage, you might get 1/2 of 1% who really think marriage as an institution is a crock. But everybody else probably doesn't have anything against it. So supporting gay marriage means you oppose traditional marriage? What the hell is that?? Look, if you're lucky enough to find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, God bless you, and I envy you. The woman didn't win, but it was a close one, and she wasn't even expected to do as well as she did. My guess is people got sick of that crap real fast.
And I 'm glad we defeated the mourning dove ballot. You mean we DON'T have enough to kill in Michigan, we've got to shoot these fat stupid little birds???? (That I happen to like because they're fat and stupid and have that sad little cry?) I'm glad people realized that banning mourning dove hunting wasn't a slam on all of hunting, even though people tried to paint it that way. I personally do not get what is fun about killing things, but whatever. Keep your trophies out of my sight, and we're good.
I didn't quite mean to get on a soapbox. It just sort of happened that way.
Anybody watch Prison Break? When Sara sticks the iron to Kellerman? I'm in the house whooping at the TV. The neighbors have no idea what to think by now. She's gotta come save Michael from Mahone. And Kellerman's screwed. Whaddya wanna bet he starts to help the brothers now? That would be FAB.
See, there I go, all fangirl.
My old city doesn't seem quite like home anymore, and my new city doesn't quite feel like home, yet, so I feel like I'm kind of caught between two places, but I know that will eventually fade and everything will straighten out. Howell still feels like home to some degree and I haven't lived there in 15 years, so I suppose I'll always feel some sort of kinship to Kzoo.
I admit that I have a bit of a 'habit' when it comes to television (and Chex Mix, but that's neither here nor there). I read the TV Guide online comments and I post from time to time (those of you who know my horse racing fetish will be able to figure out who I am). One of my fave shows is 'Supernatural' - two hot guys, a hot car, ghosts and other beasties, and the occasional Rush tune. What's not to like? But I read the comments posted on the website, and I can't get over the fangirlness! These people are gushing like Jensen and Jared are going to win Oscars some day, and I gotta say, it slays me! Like I roll my eyes when they get all protective and analytical of every tic and twitch and sad face, and it's all I can do not to snort. And then it occurs to me - didn't I do the same damn thing with the X-Files?
Well, sort of. I mean, I overanalyzed that show to the nth degree, and I was a huge fangirl/shipper (and don't EVEN get me started on how hot Krycek is). But when it came to that gun-toting, one-armed bad boy, I wasn't overanalyzing his every eyebrow raise like it was going to win him an Emmy. I was just picturing him ..... um, let's just stop there.
I guess I just have a thing about jumping headlong into any sort of hero worship, any overwhelming trust, any slobbering devotion, all of it. I tend to be skittish about devoting myself wholeheartedly to anything that asks for such complete immersion. (Which is part of the reason why I'm not a regular churchgoer, but that's a discussion for another time. And it's probably a good reason why I'm not married.) I used to do anything I could to keep my friends around (when I was young) and made a total ass of myself, and I've gone the other way in my old age - a little too selfish, in self-preservation. Which doesn't excuse my behavior on occasion, but at least I recognize the fault. So to listen to these people gush wildly about these CW actors, of all people, strikes me as both ludicrous and funny, like they don't have anything else to do but slobber headlong over two twenty-somethings. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the show - it's the high point of my week almost (Veronica Mars is right up there too, what a damn good show!) and yes, the acting is good, and the scripts are fun, but I guess I find the fangirl admiration a bit thick.
Then again, if that's the worst thing that happens to me all week, I'm doing really well. And that's the beauty of having a free country!
I'm glad the elections are over, because the ads were so wretched I don't even know where to begin. One woman was painted by her opponent this way: "She supports gay marriage. And opposes traditional marriage." NOW WAIT A DAMN MINUTE. I think if you polled everyone in this world about their feelings on marriage, you might get 1/2 of 1% who really think marriage as an institution is a crock. But everybody else probably doesn't have anything against it. So supporting gay marriage means you oppose traditional marriage? What the hell is that?? Look, if you're lucky enough to find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, God bless you, and I envy you. The woman didn't win, but it was a close one, and she wasn't even expected to do as well as she did. My guess is people got sick of that crap real fast.
And I 'm glad we defeated the mourning dove ballot. You mean we DON'T have enough to kill in Michigan, we've got to shoot these fat stupid little birds???? (That I happen to like because they're fat and stupid and have that sad little cry?) I'm glad people realized that banning mourning dove hunting wasn't a slam on all of hunting, even though people tried to paint it that way. I personally do not get what is fun about killing things, but whatever. Keep your trophies out of my sight, and we're good.
I didn't quite mean to get on a soapbox. It just sort of happened that way.
Anybody watch Prison Break? When Sara sticks the iron to Kellerman? I'm in the house whooping at the TV. The neighbors have no idea what to think by now. She's gotta come save Michael from Mahone. And Kellerman's screwed. Whaddya wanna bet he starts to help the brothers now? That would be FAB.
See, there I go, all fangirl.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I Officially Have a Future Sister-In-Law!
Yup, Lloyd did it. He proposed to Stacey. I knew he was planning on it, but he just told me he did it! This is very exciting! Stacey gets the family seal of approval, and I think they'll be very happy. If Gizmo will leave them alone!!! (He's the needy cat. Sweet, but needy.)
Anyway, I'm really excited about this and happy for them.
Anyway, I'm really excited about this and happy for them.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Double Oh Yum
What is the big deal over Daniel Craig being the new James Bond? I gotta say he's pretty smokin' and looks good in a tuxedo. I do want to see if he's got the requisite sly smile and witty banter, but that's about all that concerns me. But people are freaking out because he's blond. Well, I think they need something better to do with their time. Like write Miss Moneypenny some real lines for a change. I think in the last Bond movie ever made, he finally decides he's going to try and bed her, and she laughs and spurns him and runs off with some other hottie. Or Q.
If you watch the Mummy Returns, you get to see Mr Ecko minus his chin braids. I like him better with facial hair. I hear he was something of a stinker on set of 'Lost.' Speaking of which, is that getting freaky or what? Now we have to wait until the new year for new episodes. Well, at least I have 'Supernatural' to keep me company.
If you watch the Mummy Returns, you get to see Mr Ecko minus his chin braids. I like him better with facial hair. I hear he was something of a stinker on set of 'Lost.' Speaking of which, is that getting freaky or what? Now we have to wait until the new year for new episodes. Well, at least I have 'Supernatural' to keep me company.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The Breeders Cup
Breeders Cup Day Blog
Running Tally – Hey, they do this on TV Guide.com all the time!
They’re starting off before noon with Lee Corso and Kirk Herbstreit wearing jockey silks and picking their classic winners, Corso using a bent hangar as a whip. Who made Allen Paulson silks big enough for Herbstreit??? I didn’t know College Gameday cared, but hey, I’ll take it.
12:10 - The Past BC Recap
Personal Ensign beats up on Winning Colors in the 88 Distaff. WC was my girl! And here’s my boy, “the unconquerable, invincible, unbeatable Cigar!” That gives me goosebumps, hearing that call as he wins the Classic. He’s a doll; if you get down to the Kentucky Horse Park, stop by his stall. He’s a ham and he likes the attention.
Pat Day has a buzz cut. Now THAT’s weird.
12:15-12:30 – The Juvenile Fillies
Cash Included is looking out of her stall in the preview and she’s darn cute, her ears forward, head up. That’s the look Luki gets when he hears somebody turning on the water in the guest bathroom. Appealing Zophie has a good name. I’m big on the names, especially this year when I didn’t have a chance to really go through the past performances (didn’t think I should look up the Daily Racing Form at work).
Oh now Jeannine Edwards is interviewing a guy whose horse died a few years ago when she flipped over and hit her head! Do we need to hear this??? NO.
Her Majesty is resisting going into the starting gate and tries to sit down every time the butt push is applied. Why don’t they blindfold her before she hurts herself? Oh, she doesn’t like the blindfold either. Now she’s freaking out in the gate. But I think she’s okay.
Lots of dust. Did they water the track first? Not a fast pace as Dreaming of Anna takes the lead with her tongue hanging out. Wow, Anna’s running a beautiful race. And she wins on the rail, even after that delay at the gate, without much sweating. Octave second, Cotton Blossom third. Uber-trainer Todd Pletcher gets second and third. Cash Included fifth. I’m not off to a good start.
12:50 - Juvenile
These are next year’s Derby horses, possibly. I always look for a horse who does well for the distance and pace, especially on this track, but not the one who wins. The winner of this race has never gone on to win the Derby. Finally the analysts are saying this race is for the early bloomers. Well, yeah. I figured that out a couple years ago.
Circular Quay is the second favorite, Thunder Gulch’s progeny. Pegasus Wind has a Derby-winnin’ daddy too – Fusaichi Pegasus. Most of these boys are regally bred. But I’m going to go with long shot with Skip Code, whose daddy is Skip Away, a horse I really liked (not a Derby winner but a champ nonetheless). And he’s a long shot, all right. What am I thinking at 53 to 1?
Oh right. A bunch of Derby winning/running sires. Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking.
D Wayne Lukas has ditched the Blue Blockers! He’s chosen a smaller aviator style sunglass. A much better look, there, D.
Skip Code is like seven wide at the first turn. Crap.
A calvary charge with Principle Secret in the lead. Quay is last at the half. Scat Daddy is making his charge. A few falling back.
WOW. Street Sense blew their damn doors off. Biggest margin of victory ever in this race. Quay was all over the track but he tried. He veered in but he looked good coming from behind. I can’t even figure out where Skip Code went. Did he finish? Oh, he finished 9th. Well, Skippy was better as an older horse anyway, so I’ll keep an eye out for him at late three and four.
When you watch the head on view, you can see how young these horses are – they’re veering in and out. When they get older they figure it all out.
1:31 - Ruffian
ESPN is doing a movie on Ruffian coming June 2007 and now promoting it. Watch it. Her story and her tragic ending are heartbreaking but inspiring. Get out the Kleenex.
1:32 - Filly and Mare Turf
How can you not like the name Dancing Edie? Watch Ouija Board, she’s fantastic. Film Maker will hit the board, I think; Honey Ryder’s had a good year; Wait a While has a nice pedigree and a strong record. This is a heck of a race. I’m sticking with Ouija Board because she’s so amazing, with Film Maker to place. I haven’t seen Wait a While run much myself, so I can’t say much about her, but she’s getting a lot of respect from the bettors and analysts alike. Let’s look at her PP – ooh, four straight wins in G1 and 2 races. Yikes! She’ll be tough.
This load is going pretty well. They’re older gals, they’re used to this.
European jockeys actually ‘bounce’ in the saddle. It’s kind of funny. American jocks urge with their hands and arms; European jocks use their whole upper body.
Edie holds the lead, Ouija is in sixth, Film Maker fourth, Wait a While in the first bunch but I missed her position. Ooh, she’s in a good spot ahead of Ouija, when she moves, they’ll go together.
They’re moving now together, Ouija pouring it on, Honey Ryder trying to catch up, but nobody’s going to get her!! I have a winner! I think Film Maker was second too. Honey Ryder third. Wait a While fourth. Not too bad. I had the exacta.
1:42 – Starting Gates
Jerry Bailey goes over the starting gate setup – this is an old program from earlier this year, showing lots of horses breaking through the gates prematurely, flipping over, freaking out, you name it. Even Barbaro’s Preakness breakthrough (before his breakdown) is being shown. I can live without seeing that again.
1:47 – Planes
Now they’re showing how the horses fly. That’s actually pretty interesting. They get individual metal stables that are airlifted onto the plane. Great idea. Sure, it’s a plug for Emirates, but I was always curious about how they got them on and off the plane.
2:07 – Jump
Frankie vaults out of the saddle. It’s a habit. Got to be hard on your knees but the crowd loves it. Ouija looks good going back to the barn – her ears are up and she’s walking well. She’s retiring at the end of this year. I hope she has a lot of fun being a mama.
She’s owned by Lord Derby (say it ‘Darby’) but yes, his ancestors are the reason we have a Derby. When the pronunciation changed, I will never know.
2:10 - Sprint
This used to be the first race on the card, but they changed things around. This whole day is like the Olympics of horse racing, or at least the track and field portion – all the distances, courses, genders and ages. I can’t believe you’re not here watching it with me!
Only five of 22 favorites have won this race. Bettors must love it.
Friendly Island is really checking out the camera. Lewis Michael is 51-1? Are you sure? Henny Hughes is the favorite. A Hennessey boy. Pat Valenzuela is either shaving his head or he’s gone bald. War Front has a whiskery chin. Siren Lure, now that is a cool name. If Pomeroy liked this track I’d go with him, but he’s a Saratoga boy. I’ll stick with Siren Lure but I like Henny Hughes. Let’s go with that exacta.
This is always a fun race to watch because it’s speed speed speed right from the git go. Somebody clipped somebody’s heels. Yikes. Siren Lure is last. Ugh.
Attila’s Storm and Thor’s Echo in the lead. Pomeroy holding close. Henny’s out of it after a lousy start. Thor’s Echo charges forward, and he’s going to win convincingly. Corey Nakatani has won this race four times! Guess he knows what to do.
Thor’s Echo’s silks have the Superman logo on them. That should have told us everything we needed to know. Friendly Island place, Nightmare Affair show.
Siren Lure 8, Henny 14th, dead last. Urk.
2:20 – The Maktoums
The Sheikhs of Dubai (of which there are five, I didn’t know that) have spent over 406 million dollars in bloodstock auctions in the last few years. If they pull out of the racing industry, it collapses. Hey, they have the money, and they spend it. I’m happy they’re spending it on horses. It could be cars, or real estate, or whatever (they’re probably pretty savvy on that stuff too) but they pour a lot of money into the US economy. I just wish they smiled more!
2:56 – Mile
Back to the Turf. We’re getting to the good stuff now – the four biggies. Aragorn is the horse I picked for Angie, based on his name. I hope he does well for her!
Gorella is the tough one. Oops, I didn’t start the VCR up in time, I missed part of that. Crap! I was messing with the blog. Anyway, I think she’s really tough and she’s the one to beat, but Aragorn is having a really good year, and she’s running against boys. If she’d been against girls, hands down, she’s the winner. Don’t count out Araafa either. The Europeans tend to do well on the turf. I almost overlooked him! I’m going with a Gorella/Araafa exacta. I just wish Jerry Bailey wouldn’t call the horse ‘Aragon’. It’s ARAGORN. Don’t you people read?
Some early packing in the race, then stringing out. Araafa about six off lead, Gorella at the rear, Rob Roy in the far back; Aragorn and Araafa are near each other about a half mile in; Gorella hasn’t moved yet. Silent Name is pushing them hard, still a pack with lots of bumping and shoving – Miesque’s Approval setting up a huge upset! Wow! Aragorn second, Badge of Silver third, but how they can tell in that mess I will never know, since it was a herd heading to the finish behind Miesque’s Approval.
ESPN is running the Mile’s post position draw at the bottom of the screen, after the race is over. DUH.
Gorella 7th and Araafa 9th. I really am not having a good day, but that’s typical on BC day. Guess I should have studied the past performances first. Oh well.
3:34 – Married horses?
WinStar Farms asks some kids about how baby horses are made, and one girl says the boy horse stands next to the girl horse and then they’re married. Kenny Mayne makes light of the mating process in only the way he can. Shawklit Lover seems a little concerned about Victory Gallop showing up in the hookup barn, as he called it. Oh boy! They spare us the tawdry details.
3:36 – Distaff
This is a great field – Pine Island, Healthy Addiction, Sharp Lisa, my girl Lemons Forever, Spun Sugar, Fleet Indian, Round Pond, Hollywood Story, Asi Siempre (I LOVE that name, but I don’t know what it means), Happy Ticket, Balleto and a few others. This is a hell of a race. I’m going on sentiment – Lemons Forever and Asi Siempre. This may end up being better than the Classic.
(A shot of Kenny Mayne’s empty chair and Hank putting on his mic, then one of Randy Moss laughing. Oops!)
Todd Pletcher looks focused. He’s wishing he’d done better than second all day.
They’re using the double load, very smart. I watch the little feet in the starting gate. Healthy Addiction sharp, quick pace to start, still dusty. Fleet Indian holding off leaders, Asi Siempre toward the back, Lemons Forever toward the back as I expected, Pool Land looks like she’s fighting, Sharp Lisa third at half, Round Pond fourth, what a field! Who is moving? Pool Land moving on, Fleet Indian eased, oh no, what a charge, Balletto charging, Round Pond fighting ahead, but she was challenged, Lemons is coming on late, but Round Pond gets them - Asi Siempre second.
Pine Island broke down, Javier Castellano laying on the track – now he’s up and it appears he’s going to be fine, which is a relief; Fleet Indian should be okay; but Pine Island apparently broke a leg. Edgar Prado won the race, but he’s watching what happened. He was on Barbaro when he broke down, so you know what’s on his mind. He looks really stricken. I hate it when this happens, and it does. That’s why so many tracks are going to Polytrack – it’s safer. It’s just that the horses don’t like it, or at least aren’t used to it yet. I want all tracks to use it and get the horses used to it. This is why people don’t get into horse racing. They see how dangerous it is and see it as cruel. I could go on about that for a while, but that’s not why I’m here today.
Waiting for the update on Pine Island, but it doesn’t look good. Every year I pray before the races start that they’ll all come through okay.
PI dislocated ankle, damaged skin introduces infection, need x-rays, significant injury according to vet. We’ll know more later. I wish they wouldn’t show her going head over tail again. She was struggling for a while, I don’t know why she didn’t stop sooner.
Edgar Prado looks so stricken I want to hug him. And it’s hard to win a race and be happy about it, when that’s going on.
Michael Matz won the race with Round Pond – he was also Barbaro’s trainer. So this is really hurting a lot of people, not to mention Pine Island. I hope for no pain for her whatever happens.
Asi Siempre disqualified and placed fourth because she ran over Balleto. Where did Lemons finish? Oh, fifth. Joe Pesci is in the winners circle??
PI was euthanized, that’s the update. The vet says this was a hopeless injury. At least she’s not suffering, but this makes me sick. And it seems to be the same for the hosts. I’ve heard it said that the empty stall in the barn upsets everyone. So this isn’t just ‘part of the game’. And the sport is doing what it can to change this. Just one wrong step. It’s what it is. How often do you take a funny step? I nearly took a header over the fan just today. Ugh.
This just sucks all the air out of the room.
4:26 – Turf
Now they’re talking about Polytrack. Synthetic dirt is easier on the legs, it’s softer and easier on their joints, so says Jerry Bailey.
Scorpion is tough at 5-1, but is he healthy? I gotta like Rush Bay just for the name, but Cacique is the one to beat (I always think of underwear, there used to be a store called this that sold underthings). Hurricane Run is also tough, and there’s Better Talk Now who has a MySpace page and hasn’t approved me as a friend yet! English Channel another toughie. I’m going with Cacique, and Better Talk Now in my exacta out of sentimentality alone.
Castellano should have pulled PI up sooner; it looks like the strides before she fell her head was down low and she was struggling a little, and his failure to do that not only cost the horse her life, but almost cost him his. That’s my opinion anyway. He says he didn’t notice anything wrong turning for home, it happened quickly.
English Channel doesn’t want in the gate, but there he goes. Rush Bay up toward front, Cacique close to the pile – Icy Atlantic, the rabbit out front, Better Talk toward the back, English Channel shadowed by Cacique, Hurricane Run behind them, Silverfoot dead last and dawdling, Icy now being shut down as planned, Scorpion eyeing the leaders, Better Talk still trailing, Rush Bay and English Channel take over, Cacique moving, TH Approval following, Hurricane Run no race today, English Channel big run, Red Rocks challenging, Red Rocks, Better Talk Now challenging – Red Rocks knocks them all down! BTN second and Rush Bay fourth! Wow…..that was unexpected. Where did the biggies finish??? Another Frankie flying dismount. English Channel third. Cacique tenth.
PI was a barn favorite, according to Jeanine. The stable is apparently devastated. Now Fleet Indian does not have a fracture like they thought, now the prognosis is good again.
4:56 – Classic
Here’s the biggie, kids. And here’s the one I know the best. I think it’s going to be hard to beat Bernardini, but a full field could do it. Still, I think he’s one of the best this year, and that’s where I’m going. Lava Man I hear doesn’t like to ship out of CA and that’s going to affect his run, but he’s classy. George Washington is one of Europe’s finest, but I’m not sure he’s ready for dirt and American horses. Invasor is really tough too; he should have a great race. Perfect Drift is my sentimental favorite, and I just want him to do well. He’s such a scrappy horse and he’s been around for such a long time; I hope he gets a really great retirement when his career is over.
Now we’re doing a 2003-2006 for PI. I’m out of Kleenex, for God’s sake. But it’s respectful and a little odd.
There’s my boy Perfect Drift! And his odds are 29-1, which is my birthday (reversed)! Maybe this is his year to win! Giacomo is back, back at Churchill since the 2005 Derby. I still think Afleet Alex should have won that race. Dammit!
This is an amazing field. I wish Second of June was there, but he took a bad step earlier this year and had to be euthanized. (The same injury Barbaro had.) I wish Barbaro was here too, but I’m just glad he’s still grazing, and is doing well – could have his cast off soon, actually.
Now after what happened to Pine Island I’m nervous for this race. They’re loading and I’m so nervous my palms are sweaty. Lots of talk, lots of speculation. Just get them through safely.
George Washington is fractious before the starting gate, and the asst starters have grabbed his ear. That hurts, but it works! Bernardini standing well waiting. Time to crank up the sound.
Who swung wide? Lawyer Ron off fast, Flower Alley close – Bernardini sixth, Lawyer Ron being held tightly, Brother Derek takes early lead, Drift off the pace as always, Giacomo far back; Brother Derek sets some fast fractions, Bernardini in fifth, should be picking up, going wide, George coming through inside, Invasor trying to move up, PD still out there, Derek still leading, Ron second, Bernardini kicks into gear and he’s putting a huge run on, oh my god!!!!! What a move! Hits the front, Derek fighting back, Invasor coming up, Bernardini being faced with Invasor, nose to nose, Invasor got in front of him! Oh my god, he beat Bernardini! Premium Tap third, Giacomo fourth – better than I expected. I can’t believe Invasor won! I mean, I can, but wow! Who is Horse of the Year now? Invasor just made his case. He and Bernardini were supposed to meet in the Jockey Club Gold Cup but Invasor had a cold.
Lava Man no factor. PD of course not, but I do adore that horse. Invasor saw a camera and arched his neck. Showoff! J He’s so wound up he’s dragging his walker down the track! PD finished 8th, Lava Man 7th. I think PD’s best days are behind him, but that’s okay. He’s like 7!
Bernardini will be retired probably, and I’d say he earned it. He ran some nice races this year. Ashley Judd is in the winner’s circle with the trophy. Huh!
Whew! So many ups and downs. I’m tired. And it’s time for dinner.
Running Tally – Hey, they do this on TV Guide.com all the time!
They’re starting off before noon with Lee Corso and Kirk Herbstreit wearing jockey silks and picking their classic winners, Corso using a bent hangar as a whip. Who made Allen Paulson silks big enough for Herbstreit??? I didn’t know College Gameday cared, but hey, I’ll take it.
12:10 - The Past BC Recap
Personal Ensign beats up on Winning Colors in the 88 Distaff. WC was my girl! And here’s my boy, “the unconquerable, invincible, unbeatable Cigar!” That gives me goosebumps, hearing that call as he wins the Classic. He’s a doll; if you get down to the Kentucky Horse Park, stop by his stall. He’s a ham and he likes the attention.
Pat Day has a buzz cut. Now THAT’s weird.
12:15-12:30 – The Juvenile Fillies
Cash Included is looking out of her stall in the preview and she’s darn cute, her ears forward, head up. That’s the look Luki gets when he hears somebody turning on the water in the guest bathroom. Appealing Zophie has a good name. I’m big on the names, especially this year when I didn’t have a chance to really go through the past performances (didn’t think I should look up the Daily Racing Form at work).
Oh now Jeannine Edwards is interviewing a guy whose horse died a few years ago when she flipped over and hit her head! Do we need to hear this??? NO.
Her Majesty is resisting going into the starting gate and tries to sit down every time the butt push is applied. Why don’t they blindfold her before she hurts herself? Oh, she doesn’t like the blindfold either. Now she’s freaking out in the gate. But I think she’s okay.
Lots of dust. Did they water the track first? Not a fast pace as Dreaming of Anna takes the lead with her tongue hanging out. Wow, Anna’s running a beautiful race. And she wins on the rail, even after that delay at the gate, without much sweating. Octave second, Cotton Blossom third. Uber-trainer Todd Pletcher gets second and third. Cash Included fifth. I’m not off to a good start.
12:50 - Juvenile
These are next year’s Derby horses, possibly. I always look for a horse who does well for the distance and pace, especially on this track, but not the one who wins. The winner of this race has never gone on to win the Derby. Finally the analysts are saying this race is for the early bloomers. Well, yeah. I figured that out a couple years ago.
Circular Quay is the second favorite, Thunder Gulch’s progeny. Pegasus Wind has a Derby-winnin’ daddy too – Fusaichi Pegasus. Most of these boys are regally bred. But I’m going to go with long shot with Skip Code, whose daddy is Skip Away, a horse I really liked (not a Derby winner but a champ nonetheless). And he’s a long shot, all right. What am I thinking at 53 to 1?
Oh right. A bunch of Derby winning/running sires. Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking.
D Wayne Lukas has ditched the Blue Blockers! He’s chosen a smaller aviator style sunglass. A much better look, there, D.
Skip Code is like seven wide at the first turn. Crap.
A calvary charge with Principle Secret in the lead. Quay is last at the half. Scat Daddy is making his charge. A few falling back.
WOW. Street Sense blew their damn doors off. Biggest margin of victory ever in this race. Quay was all over the track but he tried. He veered in but he looked good coming from behind. I can’t even figure out where Skip Code went. Did he finish? Oh, he finished 9th. Well, Skippy was better as an older horse anyway, so I’ll keep an eye out for him at late three and four.
When you watch the head on view, you can see how young these horses are – they’re veering in and out. When they get older they figure it all out.
1:31 - Ruffian
ESPN is doing a movie on Ruffian coming June 2007 and now promoting it. Watch it. Her story and her tragic ending are heartbreaking but inspiring. Get out the Kleenex.
1:32 - Filly and Mare Turf
How can you not like the name Dancing Edie? Watch Ouija Board, she’s fantastic. Film Maker will hit the board, I think; Honey Ryder’s had a good year; Wait a While has a nice pedigree and a strong record. This is a heck of a race. I’m sticking with Ouija Board because she’s so amazing, with Film Maker to place. I haven’t seen Wait a While run much myself, so I can’t say much about her, but she’s getting a lot of respect from the bettors and analysts alike. Let’s look at her PP – ooh, four straight wins in G1 and 2 races. Yikes! She’ll be tough.
This load is going pretty well. They’re older gals, they’re used to this.
European jockeys actually ‘bounce’ in the saddle. It’s kind of funny. American jocks urge with their hands and arms; European jocks use their whole upper body.
Edie holds the lead, Ouija is in sixth, Film Maker fourth, Wait a While in the first bunch but I missed her position. Ooh, she’s in a good spot ahead of Ouija, when she moves, they’ll go together.
They’re moving now together, Ouija pouring it on, Honey Ryder trying to catch up, but nobody’s going to get her!! I have a winner! I think Film Maker was second too. Honey Ryder third. Wait a While fourth. Not too bad. I had the exacta.
1:42 – Starting Gates
Jerry Bailey goes over the starting gate setup – this is an old program from earlier this year, showing lots of horses breaking through the gates prematurely, flipping over, freaking out, you name it. Even Barbaro’s Preakness breakthrough (before his breakdown) is being shown. I can live without seeing that again.
1:47 – Planes
Now they’re showing how the horses fly. That’s actually pretty interesting. They get individual metal stables that are airlifted onto the plane. Great idea. Sure, it’s a plug for Emirates, but I was always curious about how they got them on and off the plane.
2:07 – Jump
Frankie vaults out of the saddle. It’s a habit. Got to be hard on your knees but the crowd loves it. Ouija looks good going back to the barn – her ears are up and she’s walking well. She’s retiring at the end of this year. I hope she has a lot of fun being a mama.
She’s owned by Lord Derby (say it ‘Darby’) but yes, his ancestors are the reason we have a Derby. When the pronunciation changed, I will never know.
2:10 - Sprint
This used to be the first race on the card, but they changed things around. This whole day is like the Olympics of horse racing, or at least the track and field portion – all the distances, courses, genders and ages. I can’t believe you’re not here watching it with me!
Only five of 22 favorites have won this race. Bettors must love it.
Friendly Island is really checking out the camera. Lewis Michael is 51-1? Are you sure? Henny Hughes is the favorite. A Hennessey boy. Pat Valenzuela is either shaving his head or he’s gone bald. War Front has a whiskery chin. Siren Lure, now that is a cool name. If Pomeroy liked this track I’d go with him, but he’s a Saratoga boy. I’ll stick with Siren Lure but I like Henny Hughes. Let’s go with that exacta.
This is always a fun race to watch because it’s speed speed speed right from the git go. Somebody clipped somebody’s heels. Yikes. Siren Lure is last. Ugh.
Attila’s Storm and Thor’s Echo in the lead. Pomeroy holding close. Henny’s out of it after a lousy start. Thor’s Echo charges forward, and he’s going to win convincingly. Corey Nakatani has won this race four times! Guess he knows what to do.
Thor’s Echo’s silks have the Superman logo on them. That should have told us everything we needed to know. Friendly Island place, Nightmare Affair show.
Siren Lure 8, Henny 14th, dead last. Urk.
2:20 – The Maktoums
The Sheikhs of Dubai (of which there are five, I didn’t know that) have spent over 406 million dollars in bloodstock auctions in the last few years. If they pull out of the racing industry, it collapses. Hey, they have the money, and they spend it. I’m happy they’re spending it on horses. It could be cars, or real estate, or whatever (they’re probably pretty savvy on that stuff too) but they pour a lot of money into the US economy. I just wish they smiled more!
2:56 – Mile
Back to the Turf. We’re getting to the good stuff now – the four biggies. Aragorn is the horse I picked for Angie, based on his name. I hope he does well for her!
Gorella is the tough one. Oops, I didn’t start the VCR up in time, I missed part of that. Crap! I was messing with the blog. Anyway, I think she’s really tough and she’s the one to beat, but Aragorn is having a really good year, and she’s running against boys. If she’d been against girls, hands down, she’s the winner. Don’t count out Araafa either. The Europeans tend to do well on the turf. I almost overlooked him! I’m going with a Gorella/Araafa exacta. I just wish Jerry Bailey wouldn’t call the horse ‘Aragon’. It’s ARAGORN. Don’t you people read?
Some early packing in the race, then stringing out. Araafa about six off lead, Gorella at the rear, Rob Roy in the far back; Aragorn and Araafa are near each other about a half mile in; Gorella hasn’t moved yet. Silent Name is pushing them hard, still a pack with lots of bumping and shoving – Miesque’s Approval setting up a huge upset! Wow! Aragorn second, Badge of Silver third, but how they can tell in that mess I will never know, since it was a herd heading to the finish behind Miesque’s Approval.
ESPN is running the Mile’s post position draw at the bottom of the screen, after the race is over. DUH.
Gorella 7th and Araafa 9th. I really am not having a good day, but that’s typical on BC day. Guess I should have studied the past performances first. Oh well.
3:34 – Married horses?
WinStar Farms asks some kids about how baby horses are made, and one girl says the boy horse stands next to the girl horse and then they’re married. Kenny Mayne makes light of the mating process in only the way he can. Shawklit Lover seems a little concerned about Victory Gallop showing up in the hookup barn, as he called it. Oh boy! They spare us the tawdry details.
3:36 – Distaff
This is a great field – Pine Island, Healthy Addiction, Sharp Lisa, my girl Lemons Forever, Spun Sugar, Fleet Indian, Round Pond, Hollywood Story, Asi Siempre (I LOVE that name, but I don’t know what it means), Happy Ticket, Balleto and a few others. This is a hell of a race. I’m going on sentiment – Lemons Forever and Asi Siempre. This may end up being better than the Classic.
(A shot of Kenny Mayne’s empty chair and Hank putting on his mic, then one of Randy Moss laughing. Oops!)
Todd Pletcher looks focused. He’s wishing he’d done better than second all day.
They’re using the double load, very smart. I watch the little feet in the starting gate. Healthy Addiction sharp, quick pace to start, still dusty. Fleet Indian holding off leaders, Asi Siempre toward the back, Lemons Forever toward the back as I expected, Pool Land looks like she’s fighting, Sharp Lisa third at half, Round Pond fourth, what a field! Who is moving? Pool Land moving on, Fleet Indian eased, oh no, what a charge, Balletto charging, Round Pond fighting ahead, but she was challenged, Lemons is coming on late, but Round Pond gets them - Asi Siempre second.
Pine Island broke down, Javier Castellano laying on the track – now he’s up and it appears he’s going to be fine, which is a relief; Fleet Indian should be okay; but Pine Island apparently broke a leg. Edgar Prado won the race, but he’s watching what happened. He was on Barbaro when he broke down, so you know what’s on his mind. He looks really stricken. I hate it when this happens, and it does. That’s why so many tracks are going to Polytrack – it’s safer. It’s just that the horses don’t like it, or at least aren’t used to it yet. I want all tracks to use it and get the horses used to it. This is why people don’t get into horse racing. They see how dangerous it is and see it as cruel. I could go on about that for a while, but that’s not why I’m here today.
Waiting for the update on Pine Island, but it doesn’t look good. Every year I pray before the races start that they’ll all come through okay.
PI dislocated ankle, damaged skin introduces infection, need x-rays, significant injury according to vet. We’ll know more later. I wish they wouldn’t show her going head over tail again. She was struggling for a while, I don’t know why she didn’t stop sooner.
Edgar Prado looks so stricken I want to hug him. And it’s hard to win a race and be happy about it, when that’s going on.
Michael Matz won the race with Round Pond – he was also Barbaro’s trainer. So this is really hurting a lot of people, not to mention Pine Island. I hope for no pain for her whatever happens.
Asi Siempre disqualified and placed fourth because she ran over Balleto. Where did Lemons finish? Oh, fifth. Joe Pesci is in the winners circle??
PI was euthanized, that’s the update. The vet says this was a hopeless injury. At least she’s not suffering, but this makes me sick. And it seems to be the same for the hosts. I’ve heard it said that the empty stall in the barn upsets everyone. So this isn’t just ‘part of the game’. And the sport is doing what it can to change this. Just one wrong step. It’s what it is. How often do you take a funny step? I nearly took a header over the fan just today. Ugh.
This just sucks all the air out of the room.
4:26 – Turf
Now they’re talking about Polytrack. Synthetic dirt is easier on the legs, it’s softer and easier on their joints, so says Jerry Bailey.
Scorpion is tough at 5-1, but is he healthy? I gotta like Rush Bay just for the name, but Cacique is the one to beat (I always think of underwear, there used to be a store called this that sold underthings). Hurricane Run is also tough, and there’s Better Talk Now who has a MySpace page and hasn’t approved me as a friend yet! English Channel another toughie. I’m going with Cacique, and Better Talk Now in my exacta out of sentimentality alone.
Castellano should have pulled PI up sooner; it looks like the strides before she fell her head was down low and she was struggling a little, and his failure to do that not only cost the horse her life, but almost cost him his. That’s my opinion anyway. He says he didn’t notice anything wrong turning for home, it happened quickly.
English Channel doesn’t want in the gate, but there he goes. Rush Bay up toward front, Cacique close to the pile – Icy Atlantic, the rabbit out front, Better Talk toward the back, English Channel shadowed by Cacique, Hurricane Run behind them, Silverfoot dead last and dawdling, Icy now being shut down as planned, Scorpion eyeing the leaders, Better Talk still trailing, Rush Bay and English Channel take over, Cacique moving, TH Approval following, Hurricane Run no race today, English Channel big run, Red Rocks challenging, Red Rocks, Better Talk Now challenging – Red Rocks knocks them all down! BTN second and Rush Bay fourth! Wow…..that was unexpected. Where did the biggies finish??? Another Frankie flying dismount. English Channel third. Cacique tenth.
PI was a barn favorite, according to Jeanine. The stable is apparently devastated. Now Fleet Indian does not have a fracture like they thought, now the prognosis is good again.
4:56 – Classic
Here’s the biggie, kids. And here’s the one I know the best. I think it’s going to be hard to beat Bernardini, but a full field could do it. Still, I think he’s one of the best this year, and that’s where I’m going. Lava Man I hear doesn’t like to ship out of CA and that’s going to affect his run, but he’s classy. George Washington is one of Europe’s finest, but I’m not sure he’s ready for dirt and American horses. Invasor is really tough too; he should have a great race. Perfect Drift is my sentimental favorite, and I just want him to do well. He’s such a scrappy horse and he’s been around for such a long time; I hope he gets a really great retirement when his career is over.
Now we’re doing a 2003-2006 for PI. I’m out of Kleenex, for God’s sake. But it’s respectful and a little odd.
There’s my boy Perfect Drift! And his odds are 29-1, which is my birthday (reversed)! Maybe this is his year to win! Giacomo is back, back at Churchill since the 2005 Derby. I still think Afleet Alex should have won that race. Dammit!
This is an amazing field. I wish Second of June was there, but he took a bad step earlier this year and had to be euthanized. (The same injury Barbaro had.) I wish Barbaro was here too, but I’m just glad he’s still grazing, and is doing well – could have his cast off soon, actually.
Now after what happened to Pine Island I’m nervous for this race. They’re loading and I’m so nervous my palms are sweaty. Lots of talk, lots of speculation. Just get them through safely.
George Washington is fractious before the starting gate, and the asst starters have grabbed his ear. That hurts, but it works! Bernardini standing well waiting. Time to crank up the sound.
Who swung wide? Lawyer Ron off fast, Flower Alley close – Bernardini sixth, Lawyer Ron being held tightly, Brother Derek takes early lead, Drift off the pace as always, Giacomo far back; Brother Derek sets some fast fractions, Bernardini in fifth, should be picking up, going wide, George coming through inside, Invasor trying to move up, PD still out there, Derek still leading, Ron second, Bernardini kicks into gear and he’s putting a huge run on, oh my god!!!!! What a move! Hits the front, Derek fighting back, Invasor coming up, Bernardini being faced with Invasor, nose to nose, Invasor got in front of him! Oh my god, he beat Bernardini! Premium Tap third, Giacomo fourth – better than I expected. I can’t believe Invasor won! I mean, I can, but wow! Who is Horse of the Year now? Invasor just made his case. He and Bernardini were supposed to meet in the Jockey Club Gold Cup but Invasor had a cold.
Lava Man no factor. PD of course not, but I do adore that horse. Invasor saw a camera and arched his neck. Showoff! J He’s so wound up he’s dragging his walker down the track! PD finished 8th, Lava Man 7th. I think PD’s best days are behind him, but that’s okay. He’s like 7!
Bernardini will be retired probably, and I’d say he earned it. He ran some nice races this year. Ashley Judd is in the winner’s circle with the trophy. Huh!
Whew! So many ups and downs. I’m tired. And it’s time for dinner.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Get Your Freak-Out On
One of my TV addictions (and I have so many!) is Sci-Fi's Ghosthunters show. It doesn't run often, but when it does, it's usually pretty good, so I'm recommending this show to anybody who likes the supernatural (even if it doesn't come with Jensen Ackles) or wants to debunk it.
It's run by two guys, Jason and Grant, who work for Roto-Rooter in Rhode Island somewhere (I think that's where they are). They have a fluctuating staff, and they drive around the country investigating sightings. They use electronic equipment to look into reported hauntings, and sometimes they find something and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they figure out that the reason the person feels uneasy in his house is because (like in one case) his electrical box is 'leaking' and that apparently can cause headaches. This same guy had his basement set up so that the shelf containing all his chemicals and paints was unfortunately right below the air vent, and it was blowing toxins all throughout the house. So they debunked that haunting right there, but I think the guy was pretty relieved.
But sometimes they come up with the freakiest sh*t. The episode called "haunted lighthouse" features the team 'chasing' someone up and down the stairs of the lighthouse - someone who doesn't set off the motion detector lights at the top. Last week's episode featured some amazing EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon, which is sound captured on audio tape but not heard at the time) of a little girl asking "Who is Jason?" and singing to herself. Another episode featured a guy who lived in the house his grandparents used to live in, and the team captured some EVPs that led them to think the grandparents were still hanging around but not in any malicious sense. That guy seemed happy to have them still there.
Yeah, this stuff can be faked. OF COURSE it can. But I like to think that since these guys make a point of debunking stuff, that the stuff they can't debunk can possibly be the real thing. Or we just don't know how to debunk it yet. Anyway, it's just entertainment, and sometimes when they take a freaky picture or capture something odd on the thermal camera (that's my favorite), it just makes the hair on my neck stand on end. (See the Civil War soldier episode. If that doesn't freak you out, not much will.)
PS - Another good show, by the way, is Mythbusters on Discovery. A show where sh*t blows up. (You should have seen them decimate a concrete truck with explosives. There was nothing left.) More maniacal laughter please!
It's run by two guys, Jason and Grant, who work for Roto-Rooter in Rhode Island somewhere (I think that's where they are). They have a fluctuating staff, and they drive around the country investigating sightings. They use electronic equipment to look into reported hauntings, and sometimes they find something and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they figure out that the reason the person feels uneasy in his house is because (like in one case) his electrical box is 'leaking' and that apparently can cause headaches. This same guy had his basement set up so that the shelf containing all his chemicals and paints was unfortunately right below the air vent, and it was blowing toxins all throughout the house. So they debunked that haunting right there, but I think the guy was pretty relieved.
But sometimes they come up with the freakiest sh*t. The episode called "haunted lighthouse" features the team 'chasing' someone up and down the stairs of the lighthouse - someone who doesn't set off the motion detector lights at the top. Last week's episode featured some amazing EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon, which is sound captured on audio tape but not heard at the time) of a little girl asking "Who is Jason?" and singing to herself. Another episode featured a guy who lived in the house his grandparents used to live in, and the team captured some EVPs that led them to think the grandparents were still hanging around but not in any malicious sense. That guy seemed happy to have them still there.
Yeah, this stuff can be faked. OF COURSE it can. But I like to think that since these guys make a point of debunking stuff, that the stuff they can't debunk can possibly be the real thing. Or we just don't know how to debunk it yet. Anyway, it's just entertainment, and sometimes when they take a freaky picture or capture something odd on the thermal camera (that's my favorite), it just makes the hair on my neck stand on end. (See the Civil War soldier episode. If that doesn't freak you out, not much will.)
PS - Another good show, by the way, is Mythbusters on Discovery. A show where sh*t blows up. (You should have seen them decimate a concrete truck with explosives. There was nothing left.) More maniacal laughter please!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The Big Fat Move (or) Why Chris Wants Me to be Illiterate
So I haven't been here in a while because I've been trying to move and start my new job and unpack. Safe to say, I loathe moving, the job is going well, and yes, I have too much stuff (something all my movers felt so compelled to point out that I made them recite it all at once so we could get it out of our systems). That did not, however, stop my mother from making comments behind my back or from looking into all my boxes so she could remind my friends (while rolling her eyes) that I have SO MUCH STUFF. Next time the Snotty Comment Princess stays home.
I'm still unpacking, but I'm making progress, and Luki has finally forgiven me for the drastic change. Now he's obsessed with the guest bathroom sink. The water in Lansing is MUCH better than the Kalamazoo water - one person already told me my hair looks blonde again after years of tending toward the slightly orange, despite my best efforts - and Luki seems to appreciate it. I found him sitting in the sink yesterday and wondered what he would do if I just turned on the water full blast.
But anyway, during the move people kept reminding me that moving is the best time to purge one's stuff, and the thing is, I did. I went through bookcases and boxes and closets. And I gave a lot of stuff to the library, to friends, to Goodwill. (You should have seen all the books that went out the door.) But I've also found that another good time to purge (or re-purge, so to speak) is when UNpacking. I've been going through some of the boxes and rubbermaid tubs that were already sealed up and ready to move, and I'm finding a few more things I don't really need anymore. I guess the move helped bring about the 'purge urge', since I only really get rid of stuff when I'm in the right mood to do it. So a few more boxes will probably go out the door of the new place.
Oh, and why does Chris want me to be illiterate? I still have a freakin' ton of books. A TON. That's really not an exaggeration if you had to lift them all. Now I have to figure out what to do with them. (NO, I am not getting rid of them!!!)
Horse-racing tip of the day: Saturday is the Breeders' Cup, which means I will spend approximately 7 hours in front of my television set, twitching with glee. Bernardini is the class of the Classic, but there are a few other gems in the eight races that day. Perfect Drift, my boy, runs in the Classic, and the one name I can't get out of my head is a filly named Asi Siempre. I'm not sure if she's any good but that is just the coolest name ever.
I'm still unpacking, but I'm making progress, and Luki has finally forgiven me for the drastic change. Now he's obsessed with the guest bathroom sink. The water in Lansing is MUCH better than the Kalamazoo water - one person already told me my hair looks blonde again after years of tending toward the slightly orange, despite my best efforts - and Luki seems to appreciate it. I found him sitting in the sink yesterday and wondered what he would do if I just turned on the water full blast.
But anyway, during the move people kept reminding me that moving is the best time to purge one's stuff, and the thing is, I did. I went through bookcases and boxes and closets. And I gave a lot of stuff to the library, to friends, to Goodwill. (You should have seen all the books that went out the door.) But I've also found that another good time to purge (or re-purge, so to speak) is when UNpacking. I've been going through some of the boxes and rubbermaid tubs that were already sealed up and ready to move, and I'm finding a few more things I don't really need anymore. I guess the move helped bring about the 'purge urge', since I only really get rid of stuff when I'm in the right mood to do it. So a few more boxes will probably go out the door of the new place.
Oh, and why does Chris want me to be illiterate? I still have a freakin' ton of books. A TON. That's really not an exaggeration if you had to lift them all. Now I have to figure out what to do with them. (NO, I am not getting rid of them!!!)
Horse-racing tip of the day: Saturday is the Breeders' Cup, which means I will spend approximately 7 hours in front of my television set, twitching with glee. Bernardini is the class of the Classic, but there are a few other gems in the eight races that day. Perfect Drift, my boy, runs in the Classic, and the one name I can't get out of my head is a filly named Asi Siempre. I'm not sure if she's any good but that is just the coolest name ever.
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