Thursday, August 31, 2006

My New Word is Wanktard!

Thank you to 'Bones' for that little gem.

In other random thoughts...

Do you ever find yourself quoting 'Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure' whenever you pass a certain brand of convenience store? (Say it with me, kids: "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.")

I must stop having dreams with Wentworth Miller in them. Last night we blew up empty buildings. Then I went camping.

I will be really bummed if the sheep farmer on 9th Street ever sells his land. I like seeing the sheep. It's proof condos haven't claimed everything.

Creepy Man shaved his mustache. What makes him creepy, I've realized, is how he watches the car when I go by. Maybe he does it to everybody; I dunno. And now I don't have Harley Man or Ian living nearby! Harley Man could take Creepy Man, bum knee and all. Ian, eh, I dunno about that one. He's kinda skinny.

My crazy great aunt made my uncle sit out in the yard with a cane when she let the dog out 'to whack the other dogs that come into the yard.' My uncle was out there approximately 30 seconds before he came back into the house, saying he wasn't going to whack anybody.

Does anybody actually read this or am I, once again, talking to myself in public?

1 comment:

Sarah Knapp said...

I always say "Circle back to to Circle K" - that's the slogan here:-) and I love the whacking slogan! Oh and I used to love the sheep too!!!