Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Would you people PLEASE stop hitting my CAR with your CAR DOORS????

The side of my shiny new car is COVERED with paint dings. White, gray and green are the predominant colors. Is it THAT difficult to get into and out of your car in the parking lot when I've parked properly between the lines? Or are you just too freaking lazy to be considerate of anybody else's vehicle? Work is the main place I get hit, but the worst dings I got were in shopping center parking lots. At least one person I think hit me with his front door AND the back door. Two in one go! Nicely done. *eye roll*

One nice lady left a note, and hers was the smallest ding on the door. I called and told her thank you for leaving a note but don't worry about it. Now I'm probably going to have to see if insurance covers touchups.


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