Friday, March 09, 2007

Whaddya Want With My Hand Anyway?

I'm going to post this knowing people are going to think I am abso-frickin-lutely nuts.

Then again, I probably shouldn't tell you that I've been blogging with the SnObs again, looking at more pictures (Rap sent me a great headshot of evil Krycek, and it's NICE) and now I'm listening to an old high school friend's online radio broadcast, known as Short Bus Radio. ("Superfreak" is on right now.)

But on to the topic. Whenever somebody I know gets engaged, they tell me how their fiance went to their dad and asked his permission. I think my brother did it for his fiancee. And I always get all excited and say "That's so sweet!" and 'aw' a lot. And I really truly mean it.

But I wouldn't want somebody to do it for me.

Now before I explain why, let's get something straight. I'm not in any way saying how I feel about the practice being done for me means I feel that way about someone else having done it or it being done for them. I never have this train of thought when it happens to somebody else. It's sweet and respectful, and I'm usually just so happy for the person that they are getting married. In other words, I totally get and go along with the societal situation without a second thought.

But again, I wouldn't want somebody to do it for me.

That's because I'm not somebody's 'anything' to 'give away' at this age. I've been my own woman for a very long time, so asking my dad for his 'permission' doesn't really fit. I don't belong to him. Now, not to say my dad wouldn't be thrilled - maybe he would - if somebody asked him, but at my age I'd rather we announced it as a pair, as partners. I especially wouldn't like it if my fiance-to-be did this without telling me first he was going to do it. He should be discussing all of this with me first, plain and simple.

Now, would my dad walk me down the aisle and 'give me away'? Yes. So why don't I go with the one tradition but go with the other? I don't have an answer for that.

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