Monday, December 18, 2006

Nerves Nerves Nerves

Ah, let me count the way the stress is pounding me.

First of all, it's the holidays. And that means trying to get all the Christmas cards written and mailed (after, of course, the Christmas letter gets written and printed); buying all the appropriate gifts for almost 20 people - friends and family - and wrapping them; negotiating stores, parking lots, roads and everything else that's insane; going to parties; making food; and protecting everything I already bought from theft.

Second of all, it's also winter. Not that we've had much to complain about so far, but whenever there's bad weather, my blood pressure goes through the roof. I slid down the icy stairs outside the office a few weeks ago - I wasn't hurt, just sore afterward, but that was upsetting and whenever the weather is bad, I'm on edge.

Third of all, in case you didn't hear about my little incident the other week, a thug stole my bag in my apartment complex parking lot. So now I'm stressed out whenever I go to and from my car, in a relatively safe neighborhood. And I'm stressed going to and from my car at work, which is a several-minute walk. And all this takes place in the dark. And whenever I go to a store, I find myself clutching my purse just that much tighter whenever a young man comes near me, regardless of color or age or clothing type. I leave the store with adrenaline rushing through me, sometimes with a headache from clenching my teeth. I suspect every young man I see, just about anywhere. (Sorry guys, but there it is.)

Fourth of all, it's the sickness season. I am getting over a rotten cold, and I just found out that a large chunk of my family is recovering from what appears to be a norovirus. Yes, those nasty stomach flu bugs you hear about on cruise ships (sometimes mistaken for food poisoning). Our local Applebee's closed down a few weeks ago - TWICE - because of the bug. The last time I had it I was sick as a dog for about 24 hours. (I loathe throwing up. I dread it. I do anything I can to avoid it.) They say you're only ill for 24-48 hours but I can tell you that's the longest day of your life. This is coming from someone with terrible acid reflux, so I feel rotten a lot. I really don't think in the grand scheme of things I should have to suffer stomach flu on top of it, all things considered.

The experts say you should avoid preparing food for three days after you feel better. Um, guess who will be making food to bring to our family Christmas in a WEEK??? I'm trying to figure out how to ask nicely that they wait to make something. I'm TERRIFIED of getting sick after Christmas, like I did a few years ago. Well, I'm terrified of getting that kind of sickness - I'll take almost anything else over stomach flu - and I'm about to pull a Michael Jackson and buy a breathing mask for the Christmas festivities. My mom already had a bout of influenza, and she's hosting. Oh boy, I am going to cart around an antimicrobial hand solution. Something that kills viruses and bacteria. And I'm going to wash my hands even more than I do now. ANYTHING to avoid getting sick.

I'm trying to get plenty of sleep, eat well, and like I said, wash my hands. I'm afraid my nerves will make me more vulnerable to a bug, but I don't know how to settle them. I'm thinking I'll probably take New Year's Day or the day after and just SIT. On my butt. In front of the TV.

If I'm well.

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