Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Prison Break Update

Anybody else watch this show? (It would explain the Wentworth Miller dreams. He has got the weirdest smile - kind of feral and awkward, like he's not sure what he's doing and it's mighty uncomfortable. I can see now why in all of his pics he just sort of smirks.)

Last season was pretty much set inside the prison so I couldn't say for sure where the plot holes were, but now that they're on the lam, I'm finding them left and right. Sucre escapes from a cop through a cornfield onto a train, and is traversing the country in Mach 2 time. Lincoln has a gunshot wound to the leg, but a little cayenne pepper and a whole lotta vodka takes care of that so he can run easily by the end of the episode. C-Note isn't noticed talking to his daughter at day care, even though everybody's on the lookout these days for men who lurk by daycares and schools. Everybody contacts their loved ones without thinking through the 'lines tapped' thing. Tancredi is in and out of jail in record time, and into an AA-type meeting, with a Secret Service guy on her tail, of all things. Huh?

I did however love Bellick and the other ex-guard getting into the scrum at the convenience store and then sitting on the back of Bellick's car drinking beer and plotting to bring in the escapees themselves. I'm not a guy, but isn't that the way they make peace? Beat each other up and all's good. Those were some great scenes, and more to come, I'm sure. And Mahone (I think that's Fichtner's character) is now peeling like an onion - there's an old case he's got a history with, but we don't know what it is yet, and he's popping pills. I hope in the end he ends up on Linc's side and LJ's, and works to get them both cleared. But that's because I like Fichtner and like him better when he plays the morally conflicted.

Horse-racing updates of the day: Lost in the Fog is undergoing chemo, but it still doesn't look good for the fella. On an up note, jockey Victor Espinoza won seven of eight earlier this week at Del Mar. Can you believe it? He had mounts in eight of the 11 races, and won seven of them. I don't do math. What kind of batting percentage is that?

PS. Does anybody else feel like we oughta have a beer for the late Crocodile Hunter? Instead of cheers, you say 'crikey' (no, I'm not being flip). I feel awful, we just watched one of his shows the other day! If anybody loved his life, it was Steve Irwin, and he did a lot for animals. I'm awful bummed.

1 comment:

cathleen said...

So, when I'm flipping throught your blog, and I see "PB", I don't think 'Prison Break', I'm thinking, "peanut butter."

Freud (who incidentally shares a birthday with my boss) would have a lot to say about that, I'm sure.